Those who open a dollar store soon find that it is a constant challenge to keep every type of merchandise always in-stock. In some cases there are merchandise availability problems. In others it is a matter of decisions about what to buy and when to buy it. In still others it is simply that there was an unusually high number of purchases.
No matter what the cause, when you open a dollar store you are responsible for insuring that your store is always stocked. To make sales, there must be merchandise. Even more important is that the merchandise must be what the customers want when they come to the store. If you fail to have the right items in stock, customers will go elsewhere to buy.
Efforts can be made to disguise the shortages by placing some other items in their location. However, customers will know that you are out of the items that they need. Daily needs such as household cleaners, personal care products and paper goods must always be in stock. Other items can be missing without impacting long term sales, but never the core essentials of daily life.
When sales floor stock levels run low on non-essential items be sure that end caps remain full of merchandise. Even if it requires mixing merchandise to achieve a full look, never allow these key sales areas to become empty. If you open a dollar store you will soon see that end caps are among the hottest selling areas for your store. You simply cannot afford to lose sales because end caps have been allowed to become empty.
Spread other merchandise by switching to shorter peg hooks. Simply taking down 12" peg hooks and replacing them with 6" peg hooks doubles the amount of space that merchandise will take! This action will go a long way toward giving your store a fuller appearance. However, remember that there is labor cost involved in maneuver.
When you open a dollar store there are many keys to success. One of them is to always maintain safe levels of merchandise in stock and available to your customers. Be sure you satisfy their needs by keeping essentials in stock at all times.
To Your Dollar Store Success!